What if there was a way to study for the ABMDI Registry Certification Exam beyond JUST reading the 400-page textbook?
But, also by...
...learning through video and audio recordings that coincide with the textbook
...digesting the material in bite-size sections as time permits in your busy schedule
...AND downloading additional study materials to help solidify the content.
In fact...
What if you could get instant access and start studying TODAY!
And listen, you DON'T have to rush through the course.
We know work probably keeps you busy as it is, so we understand that you likely won't have hours of time each day to dedicate to studying.
That's why we divided each section into short subtopics, so it's possible to study even on small breaks or between scenes!
Since the course is self-paced, you can have the freedom to:
- Easily pick up where you left off, at any time
- Skip subjects you're already comfortable with
- Jump to topics you need more help with
- Go back to any section when you need a refresher
- Take as long as you need on any given section
You don't have to struggle like I did!
Get access to:
- Video lessons with PowerPoint presentations and study tips
- Printable workbook to take notes during the video lessons
- Flashcards to practice through repetition
- Handouts for medical terminology and supplemental study materials
- ...and more!
Everything you need to get started is available right now!
Introducing ...
Certification Test Prep for Death Investigators
Your Study Guide for the ABMDI Registry Certification Exam
Hi! I'm Joanna Goldman, M.S., F-ABMDI
In 2013, I was hired as a Medicolegal Death Investigator for the District 9 Medical Examiner's Office in Orlando, Florida.
I completed my initial certification and became a Diplomate with the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators in 2014. By 2019, I completed the advanced certification and became a Fellow.
Throughout the years, I have helped many other coworkers study for the certification exams. But I want to continue helping others beyond the scope of my office in hopes that you don't feel as overwhelmed as I did at the beginning.
"I took the ABMDI Registry Certification Test Prep course through Gap Science with Joanna Goldman a few months back. I just wanted to let you all know that I took the exam yesterday and I PASSED!"
Lindsay E.
Here's a look at the Course Curriculum:
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- Forensic Pathology (5:18)
- Inspecting the Body (5:19)
- Types of Trauma (13:44)
- Antemortem Injuries (1:51)
- Postmortem Artifacts (4:12)
- Knowledge of Forensic Science (4:37)
- Mechanism of Death with Drugs (1:37)
- Ballistics (3:05)
- Forensic Jurisprudence (2:08)
- Medical Knowledge (2:42)
- Identifying Human Diseases (Using Medical Knowledge) (4:45)
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