If you are a forensic professional wanting to create a curriculum vitae, that doesn't require you to...
...blindly search "how to write a CV", but Google leaves you with more questions than answers
...endlessly scroll the internet for examples related to the forensic field (and always coming up short)
...or stare at a blank Word document not knowing where to even begin.
We bring you good news:
Forensic Professionals Finally Have A NEW! Resource Available
And I know you might even be wondering...
...do I really need a CV anyway?
I had those same thoughts myself. In fact, I didn't create my first CV until many, many years into my career. And I didn't have a template or guide or an example to follow which made the task that much harder!
Even after I created my CV, I learned the hard way the importance of keeping it updated - a judge asked for my CV and the one I had with me was very outdated to say the least! Now, with simple formatting, I keep a running document of my CV and update it throughout the year so that will never happen again.
To make things simple, we'll break your CV down into blocks:
- Personal Information
- Education
- Employment / Work Experience
- Personal Development & Training
- Presentations & Publications
- ...and more!
I provide you with all the details AND additional examples!
Curriculum Vitae Workshop
The Step-By-Step Guide to Develop a CV for Forensic Professionals
Hi! I'm Roberto Caceres, D/S Crime Scene Detective, Senior Forensic Field Training Detective, FDLE Certified General Instructor
I have been serving in law enforcement for the past 19 years. After five years as a road patrol deputy, I transferred to the Broward Sheriff's Office Crime Scene Unit to become a forensic investigator and have been in this unit ever since!
Over the years, I have found a passion to lead and instructor forensic investigators. I became involved in my agency's field training program in 2014 and was assigned Lead Field Training Detective of the unit in 2018.
I also continue to teach forensic professionals outside of my agency through presentations, courses, and other leadership roles. I always seek out new opportunities to learn, and I encourage you to do the same!
Here's a look at the Course Curriculum:
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