Have you ever gone through the never-ending recruiting process, just to end up with a new hire that...
...seemed great on paper and checked the boxes for all necessary qualifications
...scored well on written tests and was able to regurgitate technical knowledge in the interview
...but shortly after their first day, you can just tell they don't fit well on your team?
Leaving you with unpleasant process of letting that employee go and starting the recruiting process all over again. Or worse - the unfit employee stays and you 're left with a dysfunctional team!
We're here to tell you:
You just have to tweak your interview process!
Listen, we know it takes a certain level of knowledge and skills for someone to work in the forensic field!
We've grown accustom to our knowledge being tested in the forensic field, in our reports, and on the stand. But the thing is, a lot of this can be taught to an employee. What you can't teach (or at least not as easily) is integrity, initiative, adaptability.
We learned to refresh and revamp our interview process. Instead of focusing college degrees and certifications and technical knowledge, we focused more on the individual and if they would work well with the team we already had established.
These strategies include:
- How to satisfy the technical, motivational and cultural tiers of an effective interview process
- Focusing more on finding the best fit for your team (and less on who is qualified or looks good on paper)
- Writing better questions that helps you learn more about the candidates
- Knowing where to post your open job positions
- ...and more!
We provide you with all the details AND additional resources!
Finding Your Ideal Employee
A Forensic Supervisor's Guide to Effective Interviews
Hi! It's Ashley Church and Erin West, Co-Owners of Gap Science
In 2018, we both transitioned into supervisory roles - Ashley over the Crime Scene Unit and Erin over the Latent Print unit at a local Sheriff's Office in Central Florida.
Both units had several open positions and we were quickly thrown into the mix of conducting interviews. Some of the interview practices set in place by the Forensic Manager were great, but it was clear that the questions weren't helping us weed out the undesirable applicants.
Luckily we had each other to lean on, but we know many forensic professionals go through similar circumstances without much support. That's why we created Gap Science - to provide other forensic processionals with knowledge, training and resources we wished we had throughout our careers.
Here's a look at the Course Curriculum:
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